Water & Sewer
The City of Elkader contracts with PeopleService to operate and maintain the water and sanitary sewer systems within Elkader.
Lead Service Line Survey
Please see this link for more information about the lead service line survey.
Water Quality Report
Download the current water quality report: 2024 CCR
Water pipes and winter weather
What do I do if my sewer is backing up?
First determine if it is a problem with the main or within your individual home. A good rule of thumb is, if water backs up after you have used a drain or toilet within in your own home, and no other time, then it is most likely a problem with your individual service line and you should call a plumber or company to jet your line and camera it. Homeowners are responsible for the line from the house to the main. It is also a good idea to call City Hall at 563-245-2098 to let them know so the manholes can be checked after the individual service line has been cleaned.
If you have back-up continually, without you using a drain in your home, then the problem is most likely in the main. You should call City Hall at 563-245-2098 or the after-hours emergency number for PeopleService at 888-861-1921
Billing for Water & Sewer
Find out about billing and bill payment options on the Billing & Bill Payment page.
Contact City Hall
Email City Hall
Phone: 563-245-2098
Fax: 563-245-1033
207 N. Main Street
PO Box 427
Elkader, IA 52043
M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(including the lunch hour)