City Departments & Services

City Administration

City Hall - featured image

City Administrator/Clerk

Jennifer Cowsert
Phone: 563-245-2098
Email City Administrator/Clerk
The City Administrator/Clerk is in charge of the day-to-day operation of the City, including oversight of all staff (except for the Library Staff per State Code) and implementation of projects and programs at the direction of the City Council.

Administrative Assistant/Utility Billing/ Deputy City Clerk

Curtis Ruhser
Phone: 563-245-2098
Email Administrative Assistant
The Administrative Assistant/Utility Billing/Deputy City Clerk is the friendly face that greets you upon arrival at City Hall or is the friendly voice on the other end of the phone when you call City Hall. They provide general assistance to residents and is in charge of utility billing.

Economic Development Director

Amy Holst

Phone: 563-245-2770
Email Economic Development Director
The ED Director works with City staff and Council, and other economic development entities to strengthen the Elkader area economy. The ED Director is also the Main Street Elkader Director.

2021 ambulances


Ambulance service is a joint venture between the City and MercyOne Elkader Medical Center. The City, with funding assistance from eight townships, provides the vehicles and the building and insurance for the vehicles. MercyOne Elkader Medical Center provides the personnel and medical equipment/supplies and oversees the general operation of the service.

A volunteer crew is supplemented by employees of MercyOne Elkader. If you are interested in volunteering for the ambulance crew contact Chris Dahlstrom, EMS Manager, at 563-245-7000. FOR EMERGENCIES DIAL 911


The Eastside Cemetery is owned and operated jointly by the City of Elkader and Boardman Township. Contact City Hall with specific questions and we will match you with the appropriate person for your request.



Contact:  Scott Marmann, Fire Chief
Phone: 563-245-2231 FOR EMERGENCIES DIAL 911
The Fire Department consists of nearly 30 volunteer firefighters. The Fire District is all of Boardman township and parts of Cox Creek, Highland and Read townships.

Those interested in volunteering for the Fire Department should contact the Fire Chief. The department meets once a month and trains another night each month.

Garbage & Recycling

Garbage and recycling services are provided through a contract with Hawkeye Sanitation. For questions contact City Hall at 245-2098.



Contact: Alexandra Bomhoff, Library Director
Phone: 563-245-1446


Questions and concerns about city parks can be directed to City Hall.

Seasonal Park employees supplement the Public Works staff who maintain and oversee all of the parkland in Elkader. The Park Board provides direction and guidance.

The parklands include: Founders’ Park, City Park and campground, Mascara Park, Keystone Park, and the river access area. They also maintain canoe access points, the river walk and riverbank accesses such as the handicap accessible fishing dock across from the pool and the ballfields.


Contact: Mitch Seitz, Police Chief
Phone: 563-245-3110  FOR EMERGENCIES DIAL 911
The Police Department serves the citizens of Elkader through protection of life, property and civil and constitutional rights by actively participating in law enforcement and crime prevention activities.

Public Works

Contact: Jason Scherf, Public Works Director
Phone: 563-880-3095
The Public Works Department maintains and repairs streets, traffic control signs, parks, the pool, storm sewers, City buildings and facilities and is in charge of snow removal and leaf/yard waste pick-up.


Swimming Pool

Forms for either group or private lessons are on the Pool page. PLEASE NOTE: registration forms for group lessons is due May 24th!  THIS IS NEW! There will be a $15 charge if the form is not received by this date and no guarantee that your child will be able to get a space in the class.

During the pool season: 563-245-1510

A volunteer Pool Board works with the city staff and pool staff to oversee operations and maintain the pool for the community’s enjoyment.

Water & Sewer

For questions about service, billing or to make a service request: Contact City Hall 
To contact PeopleService:
Kim Werger, Lead Operator-Water/Wastewater
Email Kim Werger
Office: 563-245-1194
For after hours emergencies: 888-861-1921

Elkader has both a water system and a wastewater system. Residents are served by two wells, a water treatment facility and miles of water distribution mains. A wastewater treatment facility, five lift stations and miles of sewer collection mains takes care of the water after usage. The wastewater treatment facility process 800,000 gallons per day.

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